Saturday, 19 January 2019

From Deviant art a request Black Cat who through the good nature of your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman has thwarted her from a naughty deed and in the process
has caused her to loss her costume.

A request to have this rather old image reposted. 

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

I am just so far behind on everything art its become ludicrous.  Requests from deviant art are about six months in the back log.  I have taken some time out to at least get something out for
Christmas for the Bonnie club.  Admittedly unlike other years it has not been coloured and the date is the first of January so a week late.

I was working on the thread of It was the night before Christmas and not a creature was stirring not even a naked mole mouse.

Sorry I hope people don't mind too terribly much but she turned out so well that 
I didn't have the heart to put clothing upon her lovely naked form.  So she's sleeping before the fire in her little bear skin.