Thursday, 31 December 2020


Not certain on who these two characters are but their names are
Millie & My'hela respectively.
There was just the reference images I requested and the names and of
course they needed to be naked.
Not sure if they're from a game or some story or something but whoever
they are enjoy.

Wednesday, 30 December 2020

New Years at Home


Since we all seem to be stuck at home for this New Years eve

lets see if we can make the most of it and enjoy any way possible.

Wednesday, 23 December 2020


A request for Kim Possible decked out in a cool denim jumpsuit.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

And a Naked Mole Rat in a Pine Tree


A gracious reward for for the man (or rodent) who finds the

perfect Christmas tree.

Now to cut it down, lug it all the way to the truck, get it in the house,

mounted and decorated without losing all the needled.

Monday, 21 December 2020

Draw me Like you Human Girls

Another fun one of Rayla from the Dragon Prince, no offence meant to the image in the 
movie "Titanic"

Saturday, 12 December 2020


I've been enjoying this series from Netflix "The Dragon Prince" and this is one of the main 

characters called Rayla.  She has the most wonderous range of facial expressions even though

she only has a simple line mouth with a shadow just below where the lower lip would be.

Not yet on season three so will have to wait and see how this end up.  I can't

binge watch anything so have to slowly work my way though shows.

Saturday, 31 October 2020


Ah it is once again Halloween and a spooky chill is in the air and although nobody seems

to know what is going on let us still have a little fun.

A number of years ago (and I think I've posted it here somewhere) an similar image of

Monique riding a mechanical horse.  I decided to repeat that theme and produce something

similar to that piece to prove to myself that I've learned something over the years.

I am pleased with how the hours of work turned out.

And just because I could I quickly produced the girls in a Mortica Adams theme

bit of kink.

Wednesday, 23 September 2020


As per usual something happens and I am late.  It would seem that Bonnie Rockwaller 

has had another birthday and I missed the celebration over at the Bonnie

fan site and the picture was overdue.  

But lets have Bonnie enjoy the fruits of her labour, somebody else can clean up the mess.

Monday, 7 September 2020

A wee bit late for the Dog Days of Summer not that its the Labour Day weekend

but I doubt this will be unappreciated.  One can almost her her softly whispering...
"Hey Rufus... The beers ice cold, but I'm red hot.    


Saturday, 22 August 2020


Supergirl from the new series of DC superhero girls.  Been watching it on line do to the fact that

I don't get cable and I've been enjoying it.  Not as dark and gloomy as most DC adventures

and not taken as seriously as it could.  I suppose it should be classified as fun, plus

Nicole Sulivan aka Shego voices supergirl so that helps.

Sunday, 9 August 2020


Not sure sometimes what goes on in my mind but here's the latest coloured image

involving Kim Possible and her mother is a little role playing season. 

Saturday, 18 July 2020

I realize Canada is a little behind us now but lets all show the flag and 
Maple Leaf as best we know how.

This is actually two request that were along the same lines combined into one image due
to the fact that I'm am rather far behind schedule with these requests.
Don't think anybodies going to mind.

Sunday, 21 June 2020

This post in my 151st and things don't seem to be going badly.  Sometimes 
I don't feel I have the output I should but its not easy and
this is my hobby not job.
Decided to change things up a bit and do one of the Disney girls. Not 
really a princess and a wee bit older than the majority and a
slight bit more sarcastic.  One can see her saying
"Anything else bulging other than those biceps?"

Sunday, 14 June 2020

A request from Deviant for the princesses Aurora, Rapunzel and Cinderella showing
off their feet.  They seem to be showing off other bits as well.
Done on a large bit of paper so I could put in detail but I can never
get it transferred well.  Always many dark areas that I can't get rid of.

Saturday, 30 May 2020

Well this was supposed to be done on Victoria Day (the unofficial first
day of Canadian summer) which was last weekend
but unfortunately wasn't. So without further ado
here's a pleasant beach bum.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Well it looks like Mr. Dr. Possible walked in on a girls slumber party 
at the wrong time.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

A request for our dynamic couple many years into the future on what could be
classified as a family road trip that has gone somewhat awry.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Sometimes a request leaves the artist with a wide avenue in which to
play.  This one was asking for Bonnie trapped in a bubble.
It would have been simple to have her just standing in an annoyed fashion
banging on the outside.  But its more fun to play around and have some fun and
put our darling heroine into some degree of stress.

Monday, 13 April 2020

A simple request regarding Monique and tall, apparently lesbian girl from 
Kim Possible.  Don't think she even was given a name.
It was supposed to be the pair kissing but I think the other girl wished 
to take thing a wee bit further.
The perks of being a premier Club Banana member.

Friday, 10 April 2020

Happy Easter everyone!
I realize that Easter and any other holidays in this time period are pretty
much cancelled due to corona panic.  Regardless lets all sit back and
enjoy what we do have.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

A request for Lightning McQueen and Little Beeper.  There wasn't anything stated on what 
they should be doing so I took some liberties and had the two speed demons
partaking in a little race.  Not sure on which should win big old American
steel or the fleet footed road runner?

Not sure what was going through my mind on this one but this is 
A visit to Uncle Slims Farm.

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Well I've never seen an episode of this show
"Star vs. the Forces of Evil"
But since the main character Star seems to be a bit of a cutie 
it was inevitable that she end up gracing a page of my sketch book.

Sunday, 1 March 2020

A bit of a request from over on deviant to Joss Possible bareback riding naked.
Problem was that the request also wished for a watch dangling before her face
hypnotizing her.  Well is the watch just dangling in space, somebody needs to be holding
the watch who know what their doing, but who is that?  
If she's on the horse where are they? 
All those questions and more that need to be answered before I begin.
If I can't figure out how it gets done that I tend to ignore that part of the request
but continue on as best as one can.
Beside who can argue when the request is to draw a naked girl.

Sunday, 16 February 2020

A long overdue request over a deviant for Roger and Willie.  I needed a reason for the pair being together enjoying a bit of wine.  What better way than to have Roger showing off
his fabulous mantlepiece.  

Ah yes once more Valentines is upon us and like every other holiday I am 
once again late.  Nothing says Valentines like flowers, chocolates, and a 
sappy card.   But nothing gets the heart pitter pattering than a lovely
lady in some flimsy bit of nothingness.

Saturday, 1 February 2020

I believe most gentlemen figure this type of thing happens all the time when
pretty cheerleaders enter the change room after practice.