Thursday, 31 December 2020
Wednesday, 30 December 2020
New Years at Home
Since we all seem to be stuck at home for this New Years eve
lets see if we can make the most of it and enjoy any way possible.
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
And a Naked Mole Rat in a Pine Tree
A gracious reward for for the man (or rodent) who finds the
perfect Christmas tree.
Now to cut it down, lug it all the way to the truck, get it in the house,
mounted and decorated without losing all the needled.
Monday, 21 December 2020
Saturday, 12 December 2020
I've been enjoying this series from Netflix "The Dragon Prince" and this is one of the main
characters called Rayla. She has the most wonderous range of facial expressions even though
she only has a simple line mouth with a shadow just below where the lower lip would be.
Not yet on season three so will have to wait and see how this end up. I can't
binge watch anything so have to slowly work my way though shows.
Saturday, 31 October 2020
Ah it is once again Halloween and a spooky chill is in the air and although nobody seems
to know what is going on let us still have a little fun.
A number of years ago (and I think I've posted it here somewhere) an similar image of
Monique riding a mechanical horse. I decided to repeat that theme and produce something
similar to that piece to prove to myself that I've learned something over the years.
I am pleased with how the hours of work turned out.
And just because I could I quickly produced the girls in a Mortica Adams theme
bit of kink.
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Monday, 7 September 2020
Saturday, 22 August 2020
Supergirl from the new series of DC superhero girls. Been watching it on line do to the fact that
I don't get cable and I've been enjoying it. Not as dark and gloomy as most DC adventures
and not taken as seriously as it could. I suppose it should be classified as fun, plus
Nicole Sulivan aka Shego voices supergirl so that helps.